Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Arina's Dragon

I might add a version with text later on but for now I'm just glad the set is finished.
I had to render every image two times and put them together in photoshop because my vram couldn't handle all the textures at once.
But it's finally finished. I hope you enjoy it.
Link to full set below as always :)

Full set here!


  1. I haven't even looked at the set yet and my body has cold chills!

  2. Two things I gotta say...Okay, five if I have to be honest.

    First. Page 9 and 14 seem extremely out of place. They don't look bad by any means, it's more or less the transition from page 9 to page 10, it gives a really if that makes sense and the same could be said for the last image. Her gut is puffed out and full, then she's just on the ground standing there like nothing happened. I personally changed the order so it was as follows: 1, THEN 14 then the rest of the set.

    Second: This is definitely my favorite set from you no question, if you do end up doing the All the way through (fingers totally fucking crossed!!) I will fucking absolutely love it!

    Third: I think it would have been over beyond amazing if you would have added maybe two more images after page 9 to have him pound down into her, then the next page show him transitioning into the sitting position that they end up on in page 10. Not to take away from what you did cause it is fucking brilliant! I just think it would have flowed better to have that image to..."warm up" the viewer" then the transition to the new position. Just my thoughts though.

    Four...PLEASE DO ALL THE WAY THROUGH! It would be so fucking nice to see her body get stretched out cause he feels unsatisfied with just the little bit that he got to put in her.

    Five: The vibrant colors and the way the dragon turned out is stellar, he really pops because the contrast to the background and honestly, it makes him seem a lot larger and menacing! I personally love this duo and really hope you continue to have them do things in the future!

    Sorry for the long wall of text, I just really like your work and wanted to share my thoughts.

    1. sry but i disagree in some points.

      about the transition: yeah it would have been nice to have a doggy style in between 9 and 10, but imho it's not that much of a break if you see it like this: in 9 she's teasing (and showing off her stretched pussy) and then in 10 the dragon grabs her to get to action. i actually do that change-of-succession thing a lot myself (in this case i suggest 0, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 6 + the rest in original order), but 14 imo needs to be at the end of the set cos if you take a close look you'll notice her pussy is quite worn out.

      about the all-the-way-thru: i really like those, but i don't see how it could be done here. i mean the dragongs dick is thicker than her entire head, so how how would it be supposed to fit thru her mouth - sry but that's just doomed to look shitty. the all-the-way thru in the last minotaur set imo was really like the max of what's possible here. or maybe not of what's possible but of what still seems halfway probable and, more importantly, looks beautiful. cos i really like the wicked xxxtra hardcore action, but it ain't worth a thing if the women isn't beautiful. a belly can be stretched or infalted and still looks good (or more precisely a special kind of sexy), but a face? just no.

    2. For me me, it's not about the "beauty" of the women. It's about the absolute destruction and disregard of the thing she chose to fuck. The opposer, if you will, taking the upper hand, and doing with her as he pleases. Quite literally using her as he sees fit. Whether that be using her to please each other or using her as a shirt for his cock. Will it look bad? Who's to say it will or won't, everyone likes something that someone doesn't BUT with that said. I LOVE all the way through, in just about every format.

      This picture of Sparrow over on HF being a perfect example.

      It's extremely over the top and not plausible in any world,which is exactly what I love about it. This is art, not real life.

    3. well, the all-thru is ofc implausible in ANY case, just in some more than in others.
      + i guess mostly one man's kink is another man's turnoff.
      anyway, i could just ignore it / exclude it from my selection, so there wouldn't really be any problem at all. i'd simply prefer Bad Onion to spend his time one other things, like e.g. an x-ray or the doggy mentioned above :)

    4. Hey guys!
      I have to agree with krassomat on that discussion. I only noticed it when I started morphing the model but it just doesn't look aesthetically pleasing anymore but kind of grotesque which I don't like either.
      And as krassomat mentioned I don't think I can make that not look shitty and I will definitely focus on other projects before putting to many more hours into a picture that is bound to look awful.
      However. I will probably still do it when I'm on vacation end of August when I have more time for that since I already made others looking forward to it ;)

  3. Nice, I impatient to have the version with text. It's also rare enough to mention that this dragon is surprisingly expressive!

    1. true! he's a real rascal, ain't he :)

    2. I will work on the text version. Probably on monday or tuesday. :)

  4. So this is fuckin awesome. Seriously, well done. This is my favorite set from you so far.

    I'm gonna go ahead and second (beg?) for an all the way through addition as well. Maybe have the dragon cum a volcano from her mouth before pushing fully through her and wearing her like a cock-sleeve.

    1. The push from others for the All the way through warms my heart. I thought I was the only one!

    2. You're definitely not the only one. All the way through is the best thing ever. The more implausible it is in real life, the better.

    3. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
      I will continue working on the all the way through thing but please don't expect it before end of August.
      Check my post on the conversation above for reasons ;)

    4. Woo, can't wait! With something this ridiculously huge, I don't expect it to be aesthetically perfect. It's completely absurd in real life, but that's what makes it so attractive to me. I have every confidence you can pull it off :)

      Some "inspiration":

    5. Is it sad that I know these before even clicking the link Lol.

      It's true though. Deformation to this degree is not going to be amazingly beautiful BUT there can be beauty in disaster.

    6. I will be working on it, no worries :D
      Just give me some time ;)

    7. Sparrow has inspired a lot of my work btw.
      I love his stuff.

  5. DAAAAAAAAAMMmmn! That's a righteous fucking dicking right there! I bet Arina could give birth to a litter of horses now, if how ruined her snatch looks in the last image can be taken as an indicator of it's looseness. One things for sure, she's gonna need alot more than horse cock to fill her now.

    My only nit-pick is that the dragon didn't slam her all the way down on his cock. I love seeing the absurd length of insertions like that tower over the girls they are fucking.

    1. Glad you liked it :D
      I will add some bonus to that set but probably not until end of August. It will go much deeper there ;)

    2. Nice! I will look forward to it.

      Quick question: Do you get notifications when people comment on your posts?

    3. Yes. I get an Email. But I can't get it to work on my phone so I can only check it on my PC when I come home from work.
      By the way, is that Frampt in your profile pic?

    4. Cool, man. I asked because I wasn't sure you saw my comment in you "Lost Heir 2" post. Now I see that you have and replied.

      Lemme clear something up. When I typed:"...with the player having to lose a fight." I meant: "...WITHOUT the player having to lose a fight." I read that you don't like the gameover sex but wanted Meryl to get fucked by pretty much everything. So I suggested an idea that could help accomplish that. Sorry about the confusion. It turns out I should proofread.

      Anyways, thanks for taking the time to reply. I do hope that my suggestion may help in some way. Even if you decide to implement something else.

      And yes. My avatar is Frampt. Unless it's an upside-down Kaathe.
