Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Big Toy

I've finally got a new set fo you guys! 
A continuation of Lost Toy
Again with text!
I hope you enjoy it!



Without Text

With Text

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lost Heir 2 Artwork #1

Unfortunately I have not a new set by now for you guys because the last week I was working exclusively on a bigger scene for Lost Heir 2.
So instead I will show you some Artwork from the game. Hope you enjoy it!

I only rendered that first image with a presentation purpose in mind if that makes sense. I've rendered the other images in in-game resolution.
Initially I planned to render all images in an higher resolution at some point to add them as a gallery some time later but I tend to accidentally save new scenes over old ones so some are already lost unfortunately.

Also here's the all-the-way through thing from my last set some people asked for.
As I warned you in the comments earlier, it's not very aesthetically pleasing but you still wanted it ;)